Thursday, August 27, 2009

Free Hugs for All.

While looking at another blog today, I saw a post with the video "Free Hugs". I thought that this was such a good idea. People taking time out of there day to remind people how nice a simple hug can be and how much it can make your day better. Here is the video here, tell me what you think.
Special thanks to the blog,, for posting the video and sharing it with everyone.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Reason for Life?

What is the reason for life? Are we just born to go to school, then work, then retire, then die? That seems to be the cycle that everyone seems to follow. You are born, you have no responsibilities, yet anyways. Then when your old enough, you go to school, thats when lifes stresses begin to come into the picture. Most of your childhood life you will spend in school, then middle school, then high school, then college. Finally, you have grown up and out of school, what next you ask? Now you have to work everyday, to make money, to put food on the table and to have a safe home to live in. You work, work, work work, always stressing out and never having as much fun as you really should. Then comes retirement, your finally free from the burdens of school and work, your finally ready to travel and explore the world, then in the end you die.

Now the point of this is to show that life is just a huge BORING cycle..... the point is to tell everyone that they need to stop worrying so much about school and work, and just ENJOY your lives, you only have one of them. What does everyone think about this?


So there has been lots of talk about microsoft's new search engine, "BING"! Its advertised as the first real decision engine, making it easier to find what your exactly looking for on the web. The new search engine was unveiled to the public on May 28, 2009, at the "All Things Digital" conference in San Diego, California. I have heard many good things about this search engine, as it sorts through all the bull $#@! information on the web, and gives you sites thats "actually" what your looking for. As I use this engine more and more, I will probably make some more posts, about how good it is and such.

The Noon Post.

Well where I live it just hit 12am. Just finished making some BLT's and eating them for lunch. I put some clothes in the washer machine and walked up into my room to make a blog post.

I thought that it would be nice to do a little write up about my favorite movie, "Green Street Hooligans". This movie is about a quiet, keep to the self kind of guy, who is a journalist student at Harvard, following his fathers footsteps. While attending school, he gets kicked out for something found in his room. He then takes a trip to England to stay with his sister, and try to figure out what hes going to do with his life now. While there he is introduced to his brother-in-law, who is a so called "thug" or "hooligan". He is in a club or firm called, Green Street Elite. While going through the movie, the main character learns many things about life and sticking up for his self from these guys. It is a touching story with a sad ending. This description may sound vague, but I didn't want to give up to much about the story. Has anyone seen this movie? What do you think about it if so?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What is a blog?

Well I have been seeing what people really think blogs are all about. I think of them as a way to share ideas and interesting things you find throughout your life, that you would like to share with everyone. Here is a wiki link I found, of what others think blogs are about, What do you all think about blogs? Why is so many people into "blogging"? I would love to hear what everyone thinks.

My First Blog Post

Alright well this is my first post in my newly formed blog.... I started this blog to discuss stuff about the internet, I will be posting anything that I find interesting on the internet. I am always browsing the internet and find some interesting things, and this gives me a place to share it with the world. Hopefully the stuff I post will interest many people and you can give me some feedback. I cant wait to start this blog up.