Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Reason for Life?

What is the reason for life? Are we just born to go to school, then work, then retire, then die? That seems to be the cycle that everyone seems to follow. You are born, you have no responsibilities, yet anyways. Then when your old enough, you go to school, thats when lifes stresses begin to come into the picture. Most of your childhood life you will spend in school, then middle school, then high school, then college. Finally, you have grown up and out of school, what next you ask? Now you have to work everyday, to make money, to put food on the table and to have a safe home to live in. You work, work, work work, always stressing out and never having as much fun as you really should. Then comes retirement, your finally free from the burdens of school and work, your finally ready to travel and explore the world, then in the end you die.

Now the point of this is to show that life is just a huge BORING cycle..... the point is to tell everyone that they need to stop worrying so much about school and work, and just ENJOY your lives, you only have one of them. What does everyone think about this?


  1. Interesting theory you have here. Don't you think that you have to work to make the money to do the travel and having fun at retirement? Or are you just saying that people should enjoy their mundane jobs and love the life they are given?

  2. People that have a long enjoyable life without having a lot of money or any at all. You can live off the earth for free if you really wanted to. Dont get me wrong though, to have a comfortable life you need money, but what Im staying is dont worry about it, money will come in time, dont stress it and just enjoy yourself.

  3. I totally agree...this is exactly the conundrum (sp?) I am facing...I fear death and dont' want any regrets...I always say on my death bed I'll be glad I went to a million concerts and spent most of my time with my husband - I won't care if I always had the laundry done or the house cleaned!
